Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Love songs a dying art?

I must admit that neyo and chris brown are most certainly talented. But in terms of the genre of love songs, it pretty much starts and ends with the two of them. And rhiannna is certainly a very slender, attractive 20 year old, but to compare her to whitney houston is not even a joke, it is an insult. Whitney had and has ZERO need to dance.

Another reason for my growing disillusion with american culture. Cant people do some things for reasons other than maximizing profit? Geez. We went from stevie wonder to what? Soulja Boy? The temptations to Flo Rida?

Damn, at least in the early ninties there were actually singing groups. Boyz II men, Az yet, Color me badd, 112. But you cant maximize profit when you split it with 3 other guys. Of course with three other guys, you can create harmony without using digital recordings of your own voice song in a different key.

America doesnt have any culture, just fads. Cavarichiis, Hammer pants, Boy bands, Cabbage patch kids, Carolina blue jordans, and the maccarena. No substance at all. People are trying to create traditions for christmas and all, but how can you when the local store that you buy your turkey and food stuffs from gets bought out by wal mart and replaced with hormone pumped, melamin laced, over fertilzied super food? America is the money jungle and survival in it has only to do with ones willingness to consume or devour someone weaker. Japan will never outsource kimono production to china. Italy will never outsource wine brewing to china. Mexico will never buy torillas made in China.

But americans buy american flags made in china. Flags that used to be made in america.

It is only natural that music turns into candy store, pop crap that gets old in a week. I have felt guilty when i downloaded honestly good music. But when ive downloaded crap, it was a relief to know that i saved money.

Does whitney houston listen to rhianna?

Does rhianna listen to whitney houston?

Do you think whitney houston listens to current pop/soul/r&b music when she is driving her car? I think not. I cat bearly tolerate my tv, much less mtv. I dont get anything out of it. When i hear stevie wonder sing, i feel emotion. When i hear 2pac, i feel it. When i hear Jay-Z, i feel nothing. LL? Nothing.

have people forget who Malcolm X and MLK were? Do they not acknowledge that officials in state across america are working to keep black people from voting in places like ohio and florida? Use your skill and talent to stir people. Not every song Jay Z and LL, but A song. Stop singing about selling drugs Jay Z. People around the world think all black men are god damn hustlers. Do a song about a woman you appreciate that isnt your mother. Do song about MLKs birthday (stevie wonder), a song about registering to vote. a song about something bigger than your wallet, your dick, getting into a girls pants, a car, how easily you will pop your gun off, and how street you are.

Sing about something bigger than yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what an excellent point. i would be super curious what artists like stevie wonder and whitney houston listen to now.

somehow i dont imagine al green sitting around his house grooving to the latest beyonce single.

it is a good thing that we have so much older music around to listen to when we get tired of the "single" culture that music has evolved to, but how come it isn't inspiring artists to build on the base that was left for them?

i'm pretty sure 50 cent isn't spending day and night in the studio perfecting the tracks for "inner visions 2"