Monday, September 1, 2008

Gotta start somewhere.

I guess i could have started this blog 5 years ago but そのようにしたら、面白くならんと思う (Ha). I could write for days with this initial post, but i will keep it simple by saying that there are just a few major things going on at the current time in my life.

* teaching english to middle school japanese kids
* coach the basketball team at one of my two middle schools
* fighting for my rights as a full time worker (social health care), its almost a hobby now.
* an erract social life that goes from very very dead to crazy in a random fashion
* a dying desire to get in shape via playing basketball

I guess from time to time i will be speaking on all of these topics. I have a tendency to be a bit cynical and maybe even pessimistic, but its only a shield to keep everyone except that right person from getting too close. You will see behind some of my pessimism a deeply intellectual person who anyalizes the society and environment around me while fighting to remain idealistic and somewhat spiritual and not caught up in the dogma of religion.

All of this said, the fukuoka-shi higashi-kuyakusho gave my employer a call today asking about my employment and maybe even to ask from bank details so they can take money from my bank account. It would have been nice if they called asking if i had been a full time worker for three years and why they hadnt enrolled me in social insurance yet. I have my thoughts on this situation, but ill just say that here, sometimes its just easier to blame the outsider rather and enforce the law.

More on all of that later.

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