Saturday, September 27, 2008

Am I a vampire?

As a college football fan, I gotta be. The Miami UNC game was awesome.

Im kinda getting used to it. I kinda have days where i just dont talk to anyone anyways. I have my boy Ken, he calls. but outside of him, my social life is flat when i am not at work. So why not just go to bed at 8 and wake to watch football.

I kinda find going out to be a dilemma. The club scene is a bit old. A trip to Infinity is a true display of darwinist theory in a meat (pussy) hunt survival of the fittest. Women basically look a guy up and down and decides in 3 to 5 seconds if he is worth a dance. Unfortuantly for us brotha, it is best to mimic the soulja boy wardrobe mixed with a little Mr T. No room for an intelligent come on there.

I have a few bars i like to go to. The people there are cool. But going to bars along to chill get a bit repetitive. Not to mention the topic of conversation with every new person i meet is the same.

Newly met japanese person: Wow you can speak japanese.

Me: Yes, i studied in school (just like most college students study a foreign language)

Newly met japanese person: How long have you been in japan?

Me: 5 years.

Newly met japanese person: How long are you going to stay in japan?

Me: Im not sure just yet.

Newly met japanese person: Wow, you japanese is so good.

What you must understand is that i have had this conversation at least 200 times...THIS YEAR. THAT gets old very quickly. So when those are the two choices, i just choose not to go out sometimes. I need to go to a good hip hop event, but in the last 3 years, japan has gone crazy over this new japanized version of reggie. I really dont like it and its hard for me to feel it. Japanese pop culture is notoriously fickle.

Ok ok, pop culture is fickle. Thats why i dont like it. I bearly even use my tv. it is such a relic. CNN, Sports Center, BS1 for sports, occasionally discovery channel (when they arent doing CSI/Hot Rod/Profiler/X files type science fiction crap) Im more interested in current events anyway.

I never thought i would become so disillusioned by media. Fake culture that is sitcom tv, music, and movies is just boring. These days, the actual news is much more (gulp) exciting in a very very bad way. I choose american football and basketball as my means of being distracted and fitting into the matrix.

Oh and a precious 30 days and 14 hours until NBA basketball.

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