Wednesday, October 1, 2008

These kinds of days are there reason i love this job.

No classes means i sit at my desk and blog all morning. Beautiful weather. Time
to look at basketball stats. Time to check the news. Good stuff. Too bad I dont have a woman to go home to, but hey, life aint perfect.

I just created a blog for my fantasy league team. I need to learn how to use css, and learn a server side lanugage so i can widen my skill set. Using the web is cool on they end user side, but manipulating the web for ones own purposes has quickly become a necessity. Ill need to jump on that. I just hate reading long passages from a computer screen. I think i need to go on amazon and order a few books.

I got my abseentee ballot. Yes! I know many people dont feel like voting is a big deal, but as an educated black person, i know that black people couldnt really vote until the 60's. Certainly we could pay taxes, but in the south, via grandfather clauses and "literacy tests" we were kept from voting, much like faulty voting machines, long lines and the like these days. I wonder why more people dont vote by absentee ballot. I kinda see it as a duty to vote for all of my ancestors who werent allowed to.

I know that people say there isnt a big difference in the two parties, and 99 percent of the time, i agree, but now way can I allow a woman who can only do three interviews in a month WHEN SHE IS RUNNING FOR VICE PRESIDENT become president. I MUST vote.

I read a good solid hour everyday, online news from various sites, even the japanese newspaper. In no way can there be another president that reads less everyday than I do.

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