Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A verdict on American Culture?

Normally I dont spend alot of time talking about american pop culture, but here we go again. Madonna is breaking up with someone again?

America has created this woman that is impossible to please, all for living in the moment and yet, what can she offer a man? Sex is all she has to give really. She has money, but real men arent bought. She cant have kids at her age. She is not home, and when she is working, she is dancing on stages across the world half naked.

That is what older asian, african and european societies get right. A woman doesnt have to give up on having a career, but i cant imagine the joy of raising a family of productive children. My mother can, and that is something madonna will never understand. She can try to remain a sexy performer into her 60s, but she can never have a true nuclear family.

So which is it that american women want? Madonna has taught them to be "Material Girls". I dont want a material girl. What man does? How can a man love something that he can buy? Men dont love their cars, they love what society thinks about them owning that car, or how they feel when they drive that car.

Men dont love their houses, they love how they and other people feel about them living in that house. No man i know loves living in a three story house along or with a wife that they hate.

Madonna is such a clear example of the misses of American culture. Be free, do what you want, be selfish, be materialistic and be single at 40.

Enjoy your money madonna, that may be all you have when you leave this earth.

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