Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Yep, finally decided to return to my neglected blog.

For several reason i suppose. Being in japan, there are times when my computer is more life like than the world around me. What i have come to find is that most of the people here know their world is unreceptive and in need of change. But no one has the courage to step out and change it.

Its not my job to change asian society anyways, so i guess ill leave that to them.

What is happening in my life right now? I will go in order of importance.

I coach middle school basketball and this years team has potential to be very good. This is basically the instrument that helps me retain my sanity here. It is the one true joy that i have here. I must be connected with basketball to be happy (unless i meet some really amazing woman, or get a really amazing chance to teach/help unfortunate kids somewhere).

I teach (assist) middle school english. Hey, i feel its my duty to stick it out at times and show that there are people like me in America. That im not a hip hopping(not that anything is wrong with it, but all black men arent Jay Z and lil Wayne), dancing, womanizing people as one my believe from the selective black media that makes it here. Sure, people can say im black and my want to distance themselves from me socially, but they cant deny my command of their language. Besides, the kids are great. Even the "bad" kids where i teach arent really that bad. They are just trying to have as much fun as possible before the party is over and they are relegated to 70 hr work weeks.

I teach private lessons. I have this one really fun private where i teach quadruplites. 2 boys and 2 girls and boy is it fun/challenging dealing with 4 8yr old japanese kids all with distinct personalities. I also teach a lesson of older adults once a week, where i met a couple of my better friends, one of who invited me to go to vietnam with him (very fun trip it was).

I have a female friend. That is about as far as i will go with that. I realized, if i spend all of my time alone, ill go crazy, so for about 3/4 days a month i entertain her. I could get to reasons why i only call her a female friend but that is a rant for another day.

I study japanese...very very sparingly. I came thinking i wanted to perfect my japanese. Now, i realize that no matter how good i get at japanese, i will still be excluded from a large part of japan because my skin is dark. I also have grown tired of people not having the forethought to simply ask, "Is Japanese ok?" before blaring our random one and two word "phrases" pronouced with japanese phonetics leaving both of us confused. I will take the JLPT this year, see if i can get level 1.

So i guess with this new start to fall, i will get back on the horse and start blogging again.

Did i mention that fall was my favorite season? ;-)

1 comment:

yukirat said...

Just read some posts...you seem like a really smart guy and I can relate. Japan is a cold, dry society but there are some really great people out there and there IS a point to learning Japanese. Anybody worth knowing will judge you by character and not by skin color so stay classy. Good luck with 1kyu and basketball.