Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bills bills bills.

It really sucks that each month all of my bills are due on the 25th and payday is on the 30th.

I mean really. Come on. pay us 10 days earlier like the rest of japan. So with this being the last 7.5 man backpayment on Kokumin hoken, yes, i am broke at the end of the month. Not to mention that i must pay my fat tax bill at the end of october along with my 2.4 man kokumin hoken bill. Ouch.

Living in Japan is expensive. but i do have legit healthcare, even though i dont have a "full time"job, as my current "part time" job is in its fourth year.

Sure is something, what greed does to people. It is so evil. We all know right and wrong. We also know legal and illegal. So when your job is to protect a process that is both wrong and illegal, how can you live with it? It has to change a part of you into trying to find any explination to validate your existance.

If my job were to find ways to pay hard working people less and rip them out of their paychecks, how could i get used to it? Im not sure i could.

Oh well, i am still surviving. Ill be ok...

...but the longer people do things like this and can get away with it, the more they can convince themselves that their actions are not as bad as they seem.

The ends do NOT justify the means.

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